Featured on Benzinga Podcast!

From B2B to Brand House: The Evolution of Motif Labs. Mario Naric, Founder and CEO of Motif Labs, discusses his journey in the cannabis industry and the vision behind Motif Labs. He explains how Motif evolved from a B2B business to a brand house, with a focus on creating products for the younger generation of…

Blueprint For The New Era Of Cannabis Branding

Under Mario Naric’s guidance, Motif Labs leads and transforms the Canadian cannabis vape market, setting a benchmark for others to follow. His participation in the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference is eagerly anticipated, as attendees look forward to understanding the dynamics of leading in a challenging yet rewarding market space. Read More at https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cannabis/24/03/37896278/blueprint-for-the-new-era-of-cannabis-branding-with-mario-naric-of-motif-labs

Unlocking the New Green Frontier

Creating a standout brand for the next generation of consumers is one of the most exciting challenges for ambitious players.  Read more in the recent article by Mario Naric in Rolling Stone Culture Council https://www.rollingstone.com/culture-council/articles/unlocking-new-green-frontier-building-brands-th-next-generation-cannabis-consumers-1234989461/

Motif Labs Expands Brand Portfolio with Launch of Rizzlers

Motif Labs, the leading brand house shaping Canada’s cannabis 2.0 market with an iconic portfolio—including Boxhot, DEBUNK, and Boondocks—is proud to unveil Rizzlers, a bold new cannabis brand that redefines the consumer experience with easy-to-use flavored vapes packaged in vibrant and eye-catching designs. The first phase of the launch includes an assortment of closed-loop kits…